Seventy! It is not just a number, you see. Rather this number marks the soul which is free. Free from being bullied, because I am brown. I was bullied by the white people, who has the Kohinoor on the Crown. I was not the only one though, to see the torture; because I myself heard my brother to murmur, the pain he was going through that day. How helpless I felt because I had nothing to say. We didn't forget the date when our bond got lost; till date, we are both, paying the cost. Well, I personally did achieve a lot. Till now I cry and wonder how my babies fought in Kargil and secured me from other fights, I still remember the formation of Constitutional Rights. I still remember how badly I got terrified, when the Emergency period got me petrified. My this very brown skin was crowned in Miss World and Miss Universe. I went to the moon and back, and also succeeded in touching the Mars. I suffocate all the time because of the pollutions caused by the cars. T...
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