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Yes, I was...

hashtag me too
hashtag survivor
hashtag askew
hashtag heifer

These are not, just a bunch of hashtag(s),
but are the reflection of how much you brag,
to showcase your actions;
but alas, you did not realise what would be the reactions.

Actions like holding her hand and pressing it hard like a monster,
when she was just three years old.
She did not even think of protesting at all,
because to your false love and fake trust was she sold.
You were appointed to improve her grade.
Instead "I am just helping you to write properly" was what you said.

Yes, hashtag me too.
I was a harassed by my tutor.

hashtag me too
hashtag living
hashtag accrue
hashtag grieving

These are not, just a bunch of hashtag(s),
but are the results of your lust.
To feel the luscious curves of my body
and to grope my big round bust.

To grope my butt under the bench, during the boards exam,
because your lust woke up and you started to cram.
When asked, you replied that you merely wanted to know an answer.
Though my heart said from the very first moment that you were actually a very big prancer.
You said, "I actually tried to save both of us;
because if the invigilator would have seen both of us cheating,
she surely would have created a lot of fuss.
So to cheat, pinching your butt from the back was the only option I had.
Now do not make me a sexist.
Get over with it and do not remain sad!"

Yes, hashtag me too.
I was abused by my classmate.

hashtag me too
hashtag guilty
hashtag shaming
hashtag frailty

These are not, just a bunch of hashtag(s).
But shows how desperate you are.
These show that to satisfy your thirst,
you actually can go how far.

When you being a girl, pressed against a man in a late night party;
knowing he is gay.
And down there you tried to be really arty; getting a female touch for the first time, he did not know what to say.

When you really made him uncomfortable and pressed those hard,
he, with his all his force, tried to protest. But you replied, "a gay cannot be sexually assaulted by a girl,
at least that is what the world manifest(s)".

Yes, me too.
I was sexually assaulted by a girl.

hashtag me too
hashtag avoid
hashtag faultless
hashtag devoid

These are not, just a bunch of hashtag(s).
Rather shows how cruel are you;
because you whip your lash on them,
who are out numbered and are really very few.

Whipping your lash on those people
who stand at the corners of the streets,
and come to you clapping, during the traffic or maybe in the train,
but surely not to have a seat;
but for money!
And some, whom you pull in your bed at night.
To give them a lot of pain in exchange of your own delight,
because you really find it very funny!

It does not really matter how much educated they are,
they still do not get their desired place.
Even if, they are the official citizen of the country now,
your ill mentality always wants to abolish their every single trace.

Yes, hashtag me too.
I am being molested everyday by my countrymen.

But the days are long gone,
and you have already lost the fight.
Now I know how to stand-up tall.
Now I know how to fight for my right.

The girl whom you had touched when she was small,
is now an IPS Officer.
Thank God, she did not learn what you had taught,
and now is a big connoisseur.

hashtag you lost

The girl whose curves you felt in the examination hall,
is now measuring the planets in the NASA; their rise and their fall.

hashtag you are defeated

The man whom you made uncomfortable with your touch,
has more than 30 albums and 250 million records under his clutch.

hashtag you were disappointed

The human being who did not get any damn privileges,
because of not being from the two most 'acceptable' gender;
is now the 'Miss Transqueen' of this world, and inspiring a number of other contender(s)

hashtag I won
hashtag we too

~ Debojit Chakraborty


  1. This is beyond powerful. I didn't use the hash tag myself but I am floored by the number of people who did.

  2. Wow you've written a powerful poem and I love how much meaning there is behind it. I really think that it's something we need to address because it's too prevalent and gets overlooked way too easily.

  3. This is wonderful and I saw social media was flooded with the hash tag.

  4. This poem is so well written and so powerful. It is making me upset against the tutor. This is such an important issue that we need to address asap!

  5. You really amaze me with the hash tags. I rarely use hash tag so far. You write about it creatively. I enjoy it a lot. Thank you

  6. Very Powerful words with such a big meaning! I have seen so many #metoo hashtags recently on Facebook. More common than we realize!

  7. This is such a powerful post, I hope that the hashtag hits home with someone, someone who wouldn't have thought twice about it before.

  8. This is such a powerful and it is message that we all need to read especially to understand. I hope the hashtag move for more change in our society.


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