PERIOD! The word you do not want to hear, The blood you do not want to witness because of your fear, Is it only because it is coming out from the vagina? Or is it just because of the word BLOOD? Because if blood was the word responsible for your fear, you would not have leaned on to the girl, standing near. It is because, blood comes out of her body too, And that IS the same word that haunts you. Isn't it? How ironical is that you use the word Blood while cursing, And it is the same substance you may need, while someone will be nursing you because of the sheer lack of blood you may loose out of your vein, But even after knowing it is natural, you do not regret to sham a girl because of her stain. How sarcastic is it that kids now, can even smell misogyny around them, However for you, breaking a woman's hymen is not an act of shame. I wonder why not, because blood comes out of her bo dy at that time too, And it is the substance you are afraid of, ain...
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